Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Exclusivity of Racial Categories An Analysis of the Racial Ambiguity in Toni Morrison’s “Recitatif” - Literature Essay Samples

Post-colonialism is concerned with the effects of colonization on the colonized. In fact, Richard Schur argues â€Å"that there can be no simple escape from the effects race, racism, gender, and sexism without some sort of decolonization† (277). One affect involves how language is used to form racial categories. Contemporary ideas of race include the belief that everyone fits into their rightful category. A black person must look and act a certain way because that is the Western assumption. This goes for any race. By refusing to racially identify any of her characters, Toni Morrison’s â€Å"Recitatif† makes this Western way of thinking difficult. Readers find themselves preoccupied with racializing each character, relying on the characters’ mannerisms, appearances, experiences, speech, etc. Readers search for anything that signals â€Å"blackness† or â€Å"whiteness† to them in order to properly categorize Twyla and Roberta. In reality, †Å"Recitatif’s† racial ambiguity confronts readers with their own stereotyped ways of thinking, demonstrating how racial categories are Western constructs. In addition, Morrison is careful to go against the structure of racial categories to confuse readers even more, demonstrating the power that writers hold in proper representation. The Western obsession with being able to racially categorize people excludes people who do not fit easily into this category; people like Maggie. Maggie embodies racial hybridity, illustrating that racial categories are not accurate representations of race. Toni Morrison’s â€Å"Recitatif† complicates the Western ideas of race in order to expose the stereotypes and restrictiveness that are inherent to racial categories. In doing so, â€Å"Recitatif† demonstrates how abiding by racial categories leads to misrepresentations of races. Through its maintenance of racial ambiguity, â€Å"Recitatif† challenges the role of the reader. By not explicitly stating which character is black and which character is white, readers attempt to determine where Twyla and Roberta fit within the two categories. Readers rely on their own perceptions of what it means to be ‘black’ and what it means to be ‘white.’ Stanley argues that â€Å"[w]omen and people of colour have long struggled against a dominant culture that places them in subordinate positions, defined by being outside of white, masculinist forms† (73). â€Å"Recitatif† confronts readers with their reliance on this type of representation. Without being told the race of the characters, readers analyze the text, searching for clues that might put one of the girls in this position â€Å"outside of white,† reinforcing that oppressive way of thinking. Elizabeth Abel writes that, as a white woman, she pictures Twyla as white wh ile a â€Å"black female feminist critic, Lula Fragd†¦ [is] certain that Twyla [is] black† (471). The difference in these interpretations stems from the difference in each woman’s readership. While Abel focuses on â€Å"racial iconography,† she notes that Fragd emphasizes â€Å"cultural practices more historically nuanced (474). In this case, each reader has her own set of characteristics that signify ‘blackness’ and a set of characteristics that signify ‘whiteness’ to both Fragd and Abel. To Fragd, Roberta fits into the ‘white’ category; to Abel, Roberta fits into the ‘black’ category, according to the signifiers. These signifiers work to help readers racialize either girl based on their position â€Å"outside of white.† I argue that these signifiers are the stereotypes that â€Å"Recitatif† challenges. Abel pictures Roberta as being different from herself, especially during the Howard Johnson scene. In this sense, Abel is ‘othering’ Roberta and placing her in that position â€Å"outside of white.† Roberta is described as having hair â€Å"so big and wild† it covers her face, and â€Å"earrings the size of bracelets† (6). Abel concludes that in this moment â€Å"Twyla’s sense of inadequacy vis-à  -vis Roberta, like her representation of her mother’s inferiority to Roberta’s, signal[s] Twyla’s whiteness to [her] by articulating a white woman’s fantasy†¦ about black women’s potency† (474). This is one reading of Roberta and I argue, is representative of the readership â€Å"Recitatif† challenges. Abel relies on her own ideas of what being ‘black’ and being ‘white’ means to her, projecting her own racial categories onto Twyla and Roberta. Abel cannot see herself in Roberta and therefore concludes that she must be different, racially. What this story emphasizes, though, is that relying on stereotypes as Abel and Fragd do is dangerous in the sense that it ‘others’ people. Abel decides that Roberta is black simply because her appearance causes her to stand out. Roberta’s hair is wild, unlike what she pictures white women’s hair to be. Due to the fact that Roberta does not appear to be recognizably white, Abel concludes that Roberta must be black because a white girl cannot have â€Å"wild hair† or â€Å"big hoop earrings.† Abel is arguing that Roberta’s characteristics do no signify whiteness, they signify otherness and therefore, blackness. In this sense, Abel is creating racial categories based on stereotypes and what she views whiteness not to be. This is important because it places white in the superior position to black. If Roberta does not display any signs according to ‘whiteness â€⠀œÃ¢â‚¬â„¢ or rather, what the racial category entails – then by default, she is black. She is not said to be displaying signs of ‘blackness,’ but instead, is described as showing signs of what white is not. This way of thinking makes â€Å"otherness† synonymous with â€Å"blackness,† a view that â€Å"Recitatif† rightfully challenges in its racial ambiguity. Relying on these signifiers is dangerous because they reinforce oppressive stereotypes. Though what makes Abel consider Roberta to be black are signifiers, I argue that these signifiers resemble stereotypes in the sense that readers such as Abel hold images and ideas of what ‘black’ looks like and what ‘white’ looks likes. Shanna Greene Benjamin explains that â€Å"the impulse to ‘solve’ the racial conundrum permeating ‘Recitatif’ reveals an underlying theme central to Morrison’s short story. Readers want to be able to categorize characters one way or another, to ‘know’ race, and they will go to great lengths to assign racial categories if the writer fails to do it for them† (88). The story, then, becomes about racial tropes: who fits into which trope and what makes up these tropes? â€Å"Recitatif† wants to challenge the second question. The story forces readers to question their own readings of Twyla and Roberta; making readers ask themselves why they choose to categorize Twyla as wh ite and Roberta as black or vice versa. The answer is: their own stereotypes. Racial categories enable stereotypes, therefore, readers are forced to question their own stereotypes when reading â€Å"Recitatif.† When Abel states that Roberta is black because she has â€Å"wild hair,† she is reinforcing the stereotype that all black people have â€Å"wild hair† even though wild hair is not inherent to any race. What happens to the black girl who does not have this type of hair? Racial categories – and the stereotypes that they enable – create a space where people who do not fit into the tropes of either category are left. These stereotypes are oppressive as they ‘other’ people. Stereotypes reinforce the notion that blackness is dependent on being different from whiteness. Racial categories create a disconnection between people, not allowing for any hybridity – any deviance from the accepted norm. By reading Twyla and Roberta as ch aracters who fit into either race category, readers expose their own reliance on these oppressive tropes. Though critics such as Abel attempt to assign a race to Roberta and Twyla, it is clear that any attempt is futile as each girl resides in that space between races. Morrison understands the power that she has as a writer; how people – how raced people – are represented is ultimately up to the author. Morrison points out in her own book on literary criticism that she is â€Å"a black writer struggling with and through a language that can powerfully evoke and enforce hidden signs of racial superiority, cultural hegemony, and dismissive â€Å"othering† of people and language† (x). As colonization occurs, marginalized peoples are forced to adopt the language of their oppressors – a language which is often used as a tool to further oppress marginalized people. Morrison clearly understands that in her own writing, she must be wary of correct representation. In his book The Negro Character in American Literature, Nelson is concerned with how the African American presence in America during slavery and abolition is presented as a comical, inferior character. Though I argue that the specific tropes Nelson illustrates are not as apparent in more recent works, racial tropes still exist. â€Å"Recitatif† challenges the tropes that writers rely on in order to represent race. As Stanley writes, â€Å"race studies, in [its] attempt†¦ to challenge physical and cognitive stereotypes and the material confines associated with these stereotypes, often identify charges that†¦ people of colour are disabled as a sign of disempowerment, a sign that they must transcend† (73). Stanley is illustrating the importance of language in proper representation, placing emphasis on stereotypes. As I have argued, readers preoccupy themselves with looking for stereotypes to signal Twyla’s and Roberta’s race; however, by not conforming to these stereotypes, Morrison makes it impossible for one character to be seen as completely empowered or disempowered and therefore, makes it difficult for readers to racialize the two girls. The tropes that Morrison uses continuously contradict each other, confusing readers and further demonstrating the limited way of thinking that racial categories enable. Morrison is aware of the racial categories as well as the signifiers that readers rely on. I argue that she uses her knowledge in order to expose how exclusive and limiting this way of thinking is. Morrison writes that, historically, the purpose of the â€Å"American Africanism† presence is to â€Å"[establish] hierarchic difference† (63) which I argue â€Å"Recitatif† points to when Twyla explains that Roberta cannot read (2). â€Å"Recitatif† transcends these hierarchic differences by focusing on the similarities between Twyla and Roberta. Due to racism and discrimination, black people are often not given fair and equal access to quality education. Slavery prevents education, abolition makes it inaccessible, and, though education appears to be equally accessible to both Roberta and Twyla, I argue that Morrison incorporates the element of illiteracy to illustrate how, even with better access to education for everyone, writers tend to rely on the trope of an uneducated African American. In this sense, Stanley’s argument that people of colour are usually associated with a disability is evident within â€Å"Recitatif.† Readers will expect to associate blackness with the disempowered character; an uneducated character would reflect this disempowerment perfectly. This trope of an uneducated black character allows for a hierarchy to form where the educated white character is above the illiterate black character. This trope is clearly a misrepresentation and yet, is still widely accepted. Morrison challenges many literary tropes – and with it, racial categories – within â€Å"Recitatif,† including this one. Twyla also admits that she, herself, does not excel at school because she cannot remember anything (2). Instead of making one girl smarter than the other, Morrison creates similarities between the two. There is no smarter character; there is no superior character. Roberta and Twyla are too similar for readers to racially categorize. This is important because Morrison is presenting both a black and a white character in a similar fashion instead of writing them to fit into completely separate categories. Readers expect Morrison to use education in order to represent the race of either girl; however, in this instance Morrison denounces the tropes that writers have come to rely on by not conforming to them. By not conforming to racial categories, â€Å"Recitatif† confuses its readers. In his book, Middleton writes that â€Å"[t]he task which lies ahead†¦ is to lift the black self out of the [language] and to affirm these meanings in a medium which can truly be called a black text, a text whose margins are ruled by the black logos† (47). While this argument tries to separate white and black in literature, I argue that â€Å"Recitatif† undermines this. Middleton is reinforcing the notion that a â€Å"black text† must incorporate elements of â€Å"black logos,† which I argue still relies on the use of racial categories. â€Å"Recitatif† is not attempting to articulate that white and black people are the same – any American history textbook shows that this type of statement is incorrect – but rather, articulates the constructs of race. I use education as an example of tropes in my previous paragraph; however, there are many other instances where the tropes in â€Å"Recitatif† work to further confuse readers. Readers are meant to be confused. â€Å"Recitatif† makes the act of racializing the two girls very difficult by making them appear similar. Morrison does not keep Twyla in one racial category and Roberta in the other. Instead, each girl can easily fit into either category. â€Å"Recitatif† does not conform to the traditional ways of writing about race. Neither Twyla nor Roberta can fit perfectly in either racial category, illustrating that these categories are not accurate representations; they are constructs in the same way that feminist theory argues that femininity and masculinity are social constructs. These categories are meaningless when analyzed and work to further oppress marginalized peoples. Racial categories are restrictive as racial identity is not a fixed concept. Racial identity is different for everyone, including for Roberta and Twyla, as evidenced by their confused r acialization of Maggie. Each girl has a connection to Maggie. Not only does Maggie work at St. Bonny’s but she also reminds Roberta and Twyla of their mothers. When Roberta explains her reasoning for thinking that Maggie is black, Roberta tells Twyla that â€Å"[she] just remembers her as old, so old. And because [Maggie cannot talk]†¦ [Roberta thinks Maggie] is crazy. Maggie [is] brought up in an institution like [Roberta’s] mother [is]† (19). As Abel argues, â€Å"[t]he two girls’ readings of Maggie become in turn clues for our readings of them† (472). If Roberta thinks that Maggie is black because of the similarities between her and Roberta’s mother, then it is logical to conclude that Roberta is black. I argue that there needs to be more focus paid to the ‘why;’ why does Roberta envision Maggie to be a black woman? If Roberta is black, then she has her own idea of what being black means. In forming her own race category, Roberta decides that Ma ggie is black simply because she sees her mother – and herself – in Maggie. On the other hand, if Roberta is white then perhaps her fear of being similar to Maggie – a woman who becomes a representation of her absent and sick mother – causes her to separate herself from Maggie. Roberta maintains this separation by categorizing her as black, something that Roberta can never be. If this is true, then Roberta is othering Maggie, characterizing her as black because she wants Maggie to be different from her own white self. Whether Roberta considers Maggie to be black because she, herself is black or because she is othering Maggie, Roberta is still creating her own racial category and determining Maggie’s race-based off of how well she fits into either category. It is important, though, that Roberta creates these racial categories – they are not fixed – and therefore, Roberta’s categorizing of Maggie is debatable. Twyla, similar to Roberta, also sees her mother in Maggie, referring to Maggie as her â€Å"dancing mother† (17). Unlike Roberta, though, Twyla is not convinced that Maggie is black. In fact, Twyla is â€Å"puzzled by [Roberta] telling [her] Maggie [is] black† (17). Again, Twyla might see Maggie as white because Twyla’s own mother is white, similar to how Roberta concludes that Maggie is black. What is important is that Twyla has differing racial categories to Roberta’s, further demonstrating that racial tropes, stereotypes, and categories are not fixed; they are indefinite constructs misrepresenting the black and white presence within literature. Both Roberta and Twyla showcase conflicting ideas of race, proving that racial categories are not fixed, they are constructs. Conversely, Twyla’s own negative feelings associated with her mother may motivate her to distance herself from her mother. Twyla ‘others’ her mother when she draws atte ntion to her clothing during the church scene, similar to when Abel others Roberta for her hair and earrings (4). In this sense, Twyla’s ‘othering’ of her mother might translate into her ‘othering’ of Maggie, similar to how Roberta could be othering Maggie in order to distance herself from Maggie. An argument can be made that Twyla considers Maggie to be white because Twyla does not want to see more of herself in Maggie. Twyla and Roberta are both confused by their own racial categories leaving them, and the readers, in confusion. There is no answer at the end of â€Å"Recitatif† regarding Maggie’s race. Instead, Maggie appears to fit into both racial categories, according to Twyla and Roberta. The debate over whether Maggie is white or black is extremely important. Like â€Å"Recitatif’s† readers, Twyla and Roberta are consumed with categorizing Maggie as either black or white. This deliberation illustrates the fact that literature and language itself disallows any discrepancy. There is no in-between for both the reader’s racialization of Twyla and Roberta, and the girls’ racialization of Maggie. Racial categories reflect the idea of mono-culturalism; however, by not maintaining racial ambiguity, Recitatif rejects the idea of mono-culturalism. As Homi Bhabha introduces the idea of hybridity, this text reflects that same principle: it is not always simply black or white but rather, black and white. The difference is that mono-culturalism creates a distinct separation b etween black and white, not allowing for any cross over. Cultural hybridity allows for a connection to form. Maggie is described as being neither black nor white. This confusion does not signal that Twyla and Roberta have faulty memories, but rather that they do not have a way of defining someone who is neither black nor white, yet is both. This restrictiveness is caused by the ideas surrounding mono-culturalism. Maggie represents the hybridity that Bhabha explains, rejecting mono-culturalism. The reason why the two girls are confused when they attempt to racialize Maggie is because racial categories do not allow for hybridity. Neither Twyla nor Roberta fit into one racial category, and as both girls learn, neither does Maggie. â€Å"Recitatif† ignores the typical racial categories, rendering them meaningless, and exposing how readers and writers have come to rely on these unstable constructs. Toni Morrison’s â€Å"Recitatif† defies conventional racial categories that Western culture establishes. The racial ambiguity within the story calls the readers’ own reliance on stereotypes into question. If race is not explicitly stated, readers must rely on their own perceptions of what black or white looks like. In attempting to racialize Twyla and Roberta, readers are faced with their own use of racial categories. Readers attempt to draw words and phrases out of the text that signify the ‘blackness’ or the ‘whiteness’ of either girl, exposing the stereotypes that arise from forming racial categories. Attempts to racialize Twyla and Roberta are shown to be futile as Morrison establishes the power she has to represent the black and white presence. By not complying to traditional ways of writing raced characters, Morrison articulates that relying on racial categories is a misrepresentation. Racial categories are exclusive; people who do not fit into them – people like Twyla, Roberta, and Maggie – are left outside of these categories and seemingly do not belong in society. Similar to how readers attempt to racialize Twyla and Roberta, Twyla and Roberta find themselves attempting to racialize Maggie. The racial categories that Western society offers do not allow for Maggie to belong to either the black or white category and yet, she represents both. â€Å"Recitatif† exposes the exclusivity of Western constructs of race by not conforming to traditional conceptions about race. Works Cited Abel, Elizabeth. â€Å"Black Writing, White Reading: Race and the Politics of Feminist Interpretation.† Critical Inquiry, vol. 19, no. 3, 1993, pp. 470–498., Benjamin, Shanna Greene. â€Å"The Space that Race Creates: An Interstitial Analysis of Toni Morrison’s ‘Recitatif.’† Studies in American Fiction, vol. 40, issue 1, 2013, pp. 87–106. Project MUSE, Project MUSE, Bhabha, Homi K. â€Å"Signs Taken for Wonders: Questions of Ambivalence and Authority under a tree outside Delhi, May 1817.† Critical Inquiry. Vol. 12.1, 1985. 144-165. Print. Morrison, Toni. Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination. 1st Vintage Books ed., Vintage Books, 1992. Morrison, Toni. â€Å"Recitatif.† Chandler Unified School District, 1983, Accessed 3 December 2017. Nelson, John Herbert. The Negro Character in American Literature. 1st AMS ed., AMS Press, 1970. Powell, Timothy B. â€Å"Toni Morrison: The Struggle to Depict the Black Figure on the White Page.† Toni Morrison’s Fiction: Contemporary Criticism. David L. Middleton. Vol. 30, 1997, pp. 45 – 60. Schur, Richard L. â€Å"Locating ‘Paradise’ in the Post-Civil Rights Era: Toni Morrison and Critical Race Theory.† Contemporary Literature, vol. 45, no. 2, 2004, pp. 276–299. JSTOR, JSTOR, Stanley, Sandra Kumamoto. â€Å"Maggie in Toni Morrisons ‘Recitatif’: The Africanist Presence and Disability Studies.† MELUS, vol. 36, no. 2, 2011, pp. 71–88. JSTOR, JSTOR,

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Essay Topics For the Revolutionary War

<h1>Essay Topics For the Revolutionary War</h1><p>Are you searching for article subjects for the progressive war? Did you realize that the British Royal society, when they would honor the war by giving the open a short history of the primary year of the war, they really went to history educators and got some information about paper subjects? At the point when it was found that the students of history couldn't think of any thoughts, they declared that the Royal Society would then compose the subject all alone. All things considered, their theme was surely Revolutionary War Essay Topics.</p><p></p><p>This was presumably a result of their failure to take notes while they read the course history of the war. Some were just ready to learn by overhearing people's conversations. Thus it is that we have this article subjects for the progressive war.</p><p></p><p>However, the issue with these exposition themes for the progressiv e war is that a large number of the papers are excessively unclear. They won't let you know precisely what it was that was going on, or who was battling at a specific time. This makes it hard to tell who to help in a battle.</p><p></p><p>In reality, one of the issues with article subjects for the progressive war is that you could even get befuddled concerning which side to pick. There were a lot of fights and encounters that we think minimal about, and not even the main authentic figures in our general public were in every case clear on the champ. Truth be told, on the off chance that you search the chronicled records of these occasions, you will locate that numerous students of history will differ about what occurred in a specific battle.</p><p></p><p>These principal clashes were the introduction of American Independence, and this is the reason the initial steps of the upheaval occurred in Boston. The British called this the explosive plot. It was the musketeers who gave us the progressive wars, and it was the quantity of them that started off the war.</p><p></p><p>And truly, a portion of the American heads had an alternate supposition, however in general, the American Revolution was chiefly the aftereffect of the quantity of men engaged with it. Huge numbers of the fight circumstances were battled in territories that are still assigned as Federal Lands, in light of the fact that the British Parliament didn't care for the way that the greater part of the American residents possessed slaves.</p><p></p><p>The approach to discover exposition themes for the progressive war is to look into the administration accounts, and get a thought of the situation of the states. There is even one accessible on the web, which contains numerous exercises about the Revolutionary War.</p><p></p><p>If you need exposition themes for the progressive war, this is th e spot to begin. There are numerous sites that give you data about this subject, and the significant focuses about this period in history.</p>

Monday, May 25, 2020

Topics For Research Paper On Native American History

Topics For Research Paper On Native American HistoryMaking the most of your topics for research paper on Native American history can be challenging, especially if you do not understand the significance of the topic. One way to help is to find out as much as you can about the Native American people and their culture. This will help you understand more about why these issues are relevant to your paper.If you are planning on writing a paper on Native American history, you will need to study a variety of different topics on the subject. It is best to select topics that are more important than others in the world. For example, if you want to study the culture of the first settlers to America you will want to choose topics that were important in the early American history.To help make your research papers more interesting you should also include a mixture of topics in them on Native American history. You should discuss different aspects of the early settlers of the United States. There are many good topics to choose from to include in your research papers.One of the best ways to use in your research papers on Native American history is to ask a professor or teacher to tell you about their own experience with their Native American ancestors. You should also have someone from the family to write about their experiences as well. These stories should be in relation to the topic of your research paper.Another way to make the most of your topics for research paper on Native American history is to read other experts' research. Make sure that the research papers are written by qualified experts in the field. By studying the research written by others, you will be able to learn more about the different subjects that you have chosen for your research paper.By reviewing research on various topics in NativeAmerican history you will be able to gain a better understanding of the different cultures that existed before the American explorers came along. You will also learn about the different Native American societies that existed in different areas of the United States before they were settled. By reading all these different perspectives you will be able to make an informed decision about what questions to ask and which aspects of Native American history you should include in your research paper.Although there are many topics for research paper on Native American history that you can consider, there are some topics that are especially important. One of the most important is the fact that there were major conflicts between the Native Americans and the settlers. For this reason, you will want to include the many different viewpoints that you can get about this issue.Although you may find many different topics for research paper on Native American history, it is best to choose topics that are more meaningful to you personally. By doing this you will be able to really get an idea of the Native American people's culture and their way of life. Reading a variety of different perspectives is the best way to learn about Native American history.

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Friday, May 22, 2020

What You Should Do to Find Out About Research Paper Writing Assistance Before Youre Left Behind

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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Essay Writing - 4 Ways It Can Help You Get Through Essays

<h1>Essay Writing - 4 Ways It Can Help You Get Through Essays</h1><p>In exposition composing, a first individual viewpoint can regularly be utilized to get over a specific point. The main individual style is getting increasingly famous in exposition composing. You will find that when you utilize this style, the author's perspective doesn't need to be limited by a third individual's perspective. This can be an enormous advantage in article writing.</p><p></p><p>In the following passage, we are going to discuss how is first individual composing utilized in exposition composing. This is a generally new style that was created on account of the composed correspondence that understudies do regularly. Individuals impart their thoughts, convictions, feelings, and stories through composition, and so as to pass on this data precisely, it is important to utilize a first individual style.</p><p></p><p>One way is first individual c omposing utilized in paper composing is to utilize a nom de plume for the creator. The nom de plume is for the author, instead of the peruser, and you will see that this gives the exposition an exceptional vibe. You won't just be uncovering something important to you yet you will likewise be making a significantly more close to home association with your audience.</p><p></p><p>Another way is utilizing this style is to utilize a moniker for the creator. This is another method of being close to home and giving your crowd a thought of who you are without really saying it for all to hear. This has been said ordinarily previously and in a ton of different circumstances, yet some of the time it is useful to have the option to be more straightforward in writing.</p><p></p><p>Sometimes, when composing an exposition, you will find that it is important to utilize the primary individual perspective. Utilizing this style can assist you with creati ng an individual association with your crowd. Obviously, you will need to be evident that you are doing this and ensure that you comprehend that your peruser will have the option to identify with your essay.</p><p></p><p>Many individuals think that its accommodating to utilize the primary individual style in the presentation of a paper also. This is another method of standing out enough to be noticed, and there is actually no preferable method to do this over by utilizing the main individual perspective. You will find that you can set up a story effectively in this first individual organization and permit the perusers to associate with it.</p><p></p><p>The next area will examine the fourth way. This is utilizing the main individual style in the finish of the article. For this situation, the style is intended to be like the presentation of the essay.</p><p></p><p>As you can see, there are a wide range of ways tha t is first individual composing utilized in article composing. You can utilize these methods as you compose your exposition to truly build the measure of effect that you will have the option to create.</p>

Sunday, May 17, 2020

I Need Help With a PowerPoint Presentation

<h1>I Need Help With a PowerPoint Presentation</h1><p>There are a huge number of individuals who need assistance with a PowerPoint introduction. One of the most widely recognized things that these individuals do is basically adhere to some basic principles, which will get them far in the realm of introduction making.</p><p></p><p>When you take a gander at an introduction needs to have. It must be flawless and it must be spotless. This makes it simpler for the individual assisting you with a PowerPoint introduction with carrying out the entirety of the important strides to help you.</p><p></p><p>They likewise state that in the event that you've had your PowerPoint slides for some time you should switch them up now and again. Furthermore, when you're attempting to switch things up it assists with giving the watcher something new to look at.</p><p></p><p>Also ensure that you have the paper. At that point you can take a shot at the paper just as the slide that you will use to make your introduction. It helps on the off chance that you can do both of these things simultaneously. Keep in mind, the more papers you have the simpler it will be to make your presentation.</p><p></p><p>But on the grounds that you have a lot of paper doesn't imply that you can plunk down and chip away at your introduction. In the event that you have an introduction that you need assistance with you should utilize the Internet to inquire about for approaches to assist you with a PowerPoint presentation.</p><p></p><p>There are numerous online courses and books that you can look at that will assist you with a PowerPoint introduction. For whatever length of time that you can discover these assets you'll have the option to discover all the assistance that you need.</p><p></p><p>You can likewise discover data online that will assist you with your introduction. These can be useful for a wide range of reasons. Youmight need to figure out how to make your PowerPoint introduction so you can make it yourself or you should figure out how to cause it so you to can have others evaluate your introduction before you go to make it.</p><p></p><p>Whatever your purpose behind figuring out how to help with a PowerPoint introduction the best activity is set aside the effort to figure out how to do it effectively. By doing this you'll have the option to effortlessly make your introduction rapidly. With a tad of training and by recalling a portion of the basic principles you'll have the option to flaunt an extraordinary introduction that will wow any audience.</p>

Research Paper Topics Related to School Problems

<h1>Research Paper Topics Related to School Problems</h1><p>If you are going to compose a school explore paper, at that point I trust you can pick subjects identified with school issues in light of the fact that these are the themes that most understudies will have the option to identify with. These can incorporate subjects such as:</p><p></p><p>You can likewise compose an exploration paper on school planning. This can be practiced by utilizing data from different divisions in the school and setting everything together in an asset box. The consequences of your examination paper can incorporate the measure of cash that are being gone through every year and how it thinks about to what the understudies in the school have been told they are spending.</p><p></p><p>Using this data, you would then be able to analyze how the spending in the school's understudy's financial plan is going. In the event that you find the costs tha t the school has spent more on books then they ought to have then you can order your discoveries together into a report. At that point whenever that the school organization is giving the understudies their planning financial plan, you can contrast their spending and your findings.</p><p></p><p>You can likewise inquire about the school spending plan for the year ahead. This should be possible by contrasting the understudies' financial plans and the prior year. In the event that you locate that a portion of the understudies are spending more than they ought to on specific things then you can order your discoveries together into a report. You will need to utilize the prior year as your examination base when accumulating your exploration findings.</p><p></p><p>How much does the school spend on its understudies' garbs? When the school has a spending plan for this thing, what amount of cash is assigned for the understudies to purchase new ou tfits? Do they have to expand the measure of uniform spending or is there a simpler method to compensate for the excesses?</p><p></p><p>How much does the school's participation record cost per student? Arethere reasons why the sum is high however the understudies have not been missing class. What are a portion of the things that the school can do to ensure that each understudy can go to class?</p><p></p><p>A school planning study isn't something that can be made by the understudies for this reason alone. For a certain something, they don't have the vital assets to truly take a gander at this thing. There are different pieces of the school also that don't demonstrate up on the participation plan that should be taken a gander at too.</p><p></p><p>There are numerous things that are identified with school issues that can't be found through homeroom addresses. Understudies would simply want to find out about these su bjects in a book as opposed to doing it no doubt. Despite the fact that they would prefer not to accomplish something without a doubt, they don't have numerous other options.</p>

Saturday, May 16, 2020

My Personal Philosophy Of Teaching Essay - 2022 Words

Teaching is a career that takes patience, passion, and desire. Since I was about ten years old, my passion has resided in teaching, specifically special education teaching. When my aunt adopted my twin cousins and found out they were autistic, I never would have expected the hard road she would have to go down in terms of their education. My motivation to teach has always been and always will be my cousins. Without them, I would have never found the desire and love I have for special education children. A quote by Magic Johnson that I feel describes why I want to be a special education teacher perfectly is, â€Å"All kids need is a little help, a little hope, and someone who believes in them.† Special Ed children, no matter how they must be taught or how much they can comprehend, have the same rights to an education as any other child. My personal beliefs on education stem not only from what my aunt went through, but from personal experience. I feel education has become so tec hnologically based that students feel they no longer need teachers. There are also many teachers that substitute using technology for teaching their students. Toyama (2006) noted that â€Å"supervision from human teachers, parents, and mentors is the only known way of generating motivation for the hours of a school day, to say nothing of eight to twelve school years.† Technology is a resource for teaching, it is not the teacher. Students cannot be motivated by technology and cannot flourish within a room whereShow MoreRelatedMy Teaching Philosophy : My Personal Philosophy Of Teaching932 Words   |  4 Pages This is my personal philosophy of teaching. This is my belief about teaching and learning and how I will put my beliefs into classroom practices. First and foremost, the purpose of education is to educate students so that they can be ready for the real world. It should prepare students for life, work, and citizenship. To do this, education should teach one to think creatively and productively. In addition to preparing students for the real world, all students should be able to read and comprehendRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Teaching797 Words   |  4 PagesPhilosphy of Teaching The the purpose of this paper is to identify/describe and discuss my personal philosophy teaching. As I describe my theory of learning I will talk about experiences that have affected me. As well as identify areas of pedagogy that have influenced my personal philosophy. I will then describe how my philosophy teaching guide my teaching style. Personal Experinces My personal philosophy of teaching has its foundations in my experiences as a student. These experiences as aRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Teaching895 Words   |  4 PagesMy philosophy of teaching is that every child should be treated equal and should have the right to learn and get a good quality education. Every child has the ability to learn. It is my job as a teacher to make sure that every student has a chance to learn while in my classroom. My classroom will be based on multicultural education. This will create an equal learning opportunity for all my students. I will treat all of my students equally and with respect no matter what kind of diversity I may haveRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Teaching Essay2027 Words   |  9 PagesMy Teaching Philosophy Teaching is a career that takes patience, passion, and desire. Since I was about ten years old, my passion has resided in teaching, specifically special education teaching. When my aunt adopted my twin cousins and found out they were autistic, I never would have expected the hard road she would have to go down in terms of their education. My motivation to teach has always been and always will be my cousins. Without them, I would have never found the desire and love I haveRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Teaching Essay2163 Words   |  9 Pages PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY OF TEACHING First and foremost, I believe that the task of every teacher is to provide a safe and stimulating environment that fosters learning and development intellectually, emotionally, physically and socially. My personal philosophy of teaching is largely based on the idea of student-centred learning. I believe that students have just a big role to play in the learning process as a teacher, and with that, comes the need for collaboration between students and teachers.Read MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Teaching1779 Words   |  8 PagesTeaching in the modern classroom presents challenges many previous educators have not been faced with. The Melbourne Declaration of Educational Goals for Young Australians (Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs [MCEETYA], 2008) states that today are students will become â€Å"successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens†. In order for educators to meet these demands, they wi ll need to consider how they will prepare studentsRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Teaching3307 Words   |  14 PagesSECTION 1: Teacher Identity Write your Personal Philosophy of Teaching based upon your reading and learning in this unit. Refer to aspects including: attributes of an effective teacher, student engagement and motivation, catering for diversity (500 –800 words). Teaching as a profession is not easy; teachers must offer the highest level of care and education to all students in an encouraging and positive environment every single day. This can be done by creating a feeling of acceptance and sense ofRead MoreMy Personal Statement On Teaching Philosophy881 Words   |  4 PagesTeaching Philosophy Why I Am Here†¦ I am here to help my students become their best self. I am here to help my students in their education and to help them become better people and citizens. As a teacher, my goal is to help my students succeed in any way I can. I became a teacher because teaching gives me a chance to help kids grow and develop a love for learning, instead of a loathing for school. I want to be a teacher because I want to make a difference. I will make a positive impact on my student’sRead MorePersonal Experience: My Teaching Philosophy2434 Words   |  10 PagesTeaching Philosophy My philosophy of teaching is deeply rooted in nurturing the potential each and every student in my classes. Providing a creative environment that allows self assessment, growth, group interaction and mentorship are at its very core. Having taught in Higher Education for many years, and as an instructor of Media Arts and Animation, and Game Design, I have had the amazing opportunity to work with some of the brightest and creative young professionals. Teaching has not onlyRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy On Teaching And Implementing A Pbss Over The Last Five Weeks Essay1082 Words   |  5 Pageshave been fortunate enough to further my understanding of an administrator s role in developing and implementing a PBSS over the last five weeks. In gaining a broader depth of knowledge from a leadership perspective, I am learning the responsibilities and grit it takes to succeed in a larger role. During this research driven study, I have discovered the many facets that create a positive le arning environments for learning. An area that I have focused most of my energy on is, creating a desirable school

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Third Person Narrative Essay - How to Write an Article to Pass the Credentials?

<h1>Third Person Narrative Essay - How to Write an Article to Pass the Credentials?</h1><p>In composing a third individual account exposition, it is critical to pick the right words to portray the individual you are depicting. This ought to be done such that they can be applied to the remainder of the article. An individual is simply a specific character and as such you have to remember this when expounding on the equivalent. Don't over enjoy depicting your character, for an appropriate way to do as such, first take out a picture of the individual from the memory.</p><p></p><p>Take out this memory picture and convey it with you while you are composing your article. It will assist you with knowing the tone that is should have been utilized. According to this, a great essayist ought to have the option to depict the character in a suitable manner.</p><p></p><p>A great author will likewise ensure that the individual in que stion doesn't utilize a similar tone in a similar passage, for this would confound the peruser. The language utilized ought to be clear, however not very basic as it would stall out in the peruser's brain. A sentence that is too long ought to be dodged, for this may prompt lengthier sentences.</p><p></p><p>A great author will likewise think of a point, however this will be marginally unique in relation to the start. The person will feature the issue, which is critical to the future perusers. They ought to likewise have the option to call attention to the valid statements about the individual, with the goal that the future perusers also can see that the author had some beneficial comments about the person.</p><p></p><p>Writing about a character ought to be done in a basic manner and ought not be done at a major length. For instance, on the off chance that you are expounding on a craftsmanship understudy, at that point you ought to have several lines that depicts her in a basic way. If there should arise an occurrence of somebody who has an energy for a specific game, you can expound on this issue more in detail and pass on additional to the readers.</p><p></p><p>A essayist who can depict the character well ought to likewise have the option to portray some fascinating realities about the character. Remember to include a few stories about the person in question with the goal that the perusers will be kept captivated about the characters. You have to ensure that the character gets a lot of the information.</p><p></p><p>A great author ought to consistently ensure that the peruser ought to have the option to identify with the character. The other thing that you have to recollect is that you should just utilize the best words to depict the character.</p>

Give Your Child a Free Sample Essay on Why There Is Poverty in the World

Give Your Child a Free Sample Essay on Why There Is Poverty in the WorldOne of the ways to get good grades is to give your child a free sample essay on why there is poverty in the world. Why? Well, it is because the human brain is very good at logic, and that is one of the main reasons that you will need it when your child is being evaluated for a school project.The only downside to a sample essay, is that they can be extremely long and sometimes difficult to understand. This is why so many people are turning to eBooks as an alternative. If you have the time, and the patience, you can download eBooks straight to your computer without any problem.However, what if you do not have the time or the patience to go through all of the available resources and find a free sample essay that is just right for your child? What can you do to help them out?First, there are some good places online that you can learn some grammar tips. In addition, you may want to look up some exercises that you can use on your own. This will give you a place to start and also a way to see how your child actually uses their logic.Also, keep in mind that not every child is going to be able to write a perfect essay. At the same time, if you have a child that is struggling a little bit with grammar, you can have them start the essay from the beginning and move them along through the assignment as they go. You can set them up to work from the beginning.Next, you can make the topic a bit more interesting. Instead of doing an essay on why there is poverty in the world, try to find a topic that is more closely related to the one that your child wants to write about. This will make it easier for them to stick with it and will also give them some help with their grammar.Finally, using a free sample essay, you can have your child give you some feedback about their efforts. This is a great way to see where they are at in their writing, and also the best way to get their input on the topic that they choose .Giving your child a free sample essay on why there is poverty in the world can be a great tool for success, but it is not a cure all. There are many other things that you can do to help them get started.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Benefits of Using Examples of Rubrics For Essay Writing

<h1>Benefits of Using Examples of Rubrics For Essay Writing</h1><p>If you are keen on the advantages of utilizing instances of rubrics for exposition composing, at that point this article is composed to give you some knowledge into the theme. There are numerous advantages that can be picked up from utilizing these sorts of techniques when composing your essays.</p><p></p><p>One advantage is that it permits you to concentrate on the primary concern of your exposition. While you may have imagined this may be the situation, there is a ton of rivalry for positions in school and college. There are such huge numbers of various themes to cover, that it very well may be very hard to remain concentrated on your central matter of your essay.</p><p></p><p>That's when instances of rubrics for article composing can help. You can utilize them to help maintain your emphasis on the central matter of your article. This is particularly useful on the off chance that you end up perusing a great deal of information.</p><p></p><p>The second enormous part is that you can make new experiences by utilizing instances of rubrics for exposition composing. At the point when you are composing an exposition, you are frequently attempting to say something about your own perspectives or sentiments. Be that as it may, this isn't constantly conceivable because of other factors.</p><p></p><p>When you use instances of rubrics for exposition composing, you can show perusers how they can decipher your content in the manner you need. For instance, you could utilize guides to demonstrate the significance of the terms you use and additionally clarify how your thoughts may apply to different territories of life.</p><p></p><p>For model, you could make your own content all the more fascinating by utilizing instances of rubrics for exposition composing. You can utilize i nstances of rubrics for exposition writing to clarify how your thoughts may apply to various sorts of individuals. You can likewise utilize guides to discover what others have utilized your thoughts and perceive how others have deciphered them.</p><p></p><p>Examples of rubrics for paper composing are an incredible method to stay away from this. By utilizing models, you are giving perusers the feeling that you realize what you are discussing, and utilizing models can be an incredible method to do that. Utilizing instances of rubrics for article composing won't just spare you time, however will likewise empower you to contact a more extensive crowd, which is constantly a decent thing.</p>

Questions to Ask Yourself When Writing a Definition Essay

<h1>Questions to Ask Yourself When Writing a Definition Essay</h1><p>You may have an inquiry that is probably going to create you turmoil with regards to recognizing what to expound on when you compose a decent explicit points for a definition paper. All things considered, there are a few unique kinds of inquiries that you should know about so as to get the subject of your paper right. Set aside some effort to consider what every one of them is before you begin. This will assist with ensuring that you have the correct general subject for your own particular essay.</p><p></p><p>General questions ought to incorporate things like 'What is training?' or 'What is the historical backdrop of instruction?' These are acceptable general inquiries that you ought to have the option to reply with clearness in the event that you know about the nuts and bolts of education.</p><p></p><p>Once you have responded to the inquiry, you migh t need to dive into more points of interest. You should know why a few people accept that instruction is significant. You would then be able to concoct a contention with respect to why there are such contrasts on whether instruction is significant. Or on the other hand you should include a tad of feeling to your reaction by addressing how instruction identifies with family life and how your kids gain from their parents.</p><p></p><p>An extra inquiry you should consider would be 'What are the contrasts among perusing and composing, and what is the distinction between general perusing and explicit perusing?' This inquiry makes certain to come up more than once on the off chance that you are an instructor. You may likewise need to consider these inquiries in the event that you are a parent who is thinking that its hard to expound on your child.</p><p></p><p>A great inquiry to pose would be 'The reason accomplish a few guardians make a sol id effort to show their kids?' What is so significant about buckling down that guardians feel it is so critical to gotten their kids through such a test? Regularly the explanation for this is the parent needs to work to give the fundamentals of the kid's life, for example, nourishment, haven, dress, and individual consideration. While a few guardians may decide to give these essentials to their youngsters in the solace of their own home, numerous others work in schools since it is the main way they can accommodate their kids' fundamental needs.</p><p></p><p>All of these general inquiries can be replied in various manners. You will probably concoct a contention for why instruction is essential to you. This may necessitate that you take a gander at your own youth, or maybe take a gander at the life of another person. This will permit you to perceive that there are a wide range of ways that you can take and you can choose which way you would like to follow.</ p><p></p><p>The last sort of general inquiry you might need to consider is, 'What are the advantages of decent instruction?' before, numerous individuals accepted that the advantages of training were simply scholarly, yet now you might be confronted with your own interesting conditions and conclude that there are genuine advantages that a decent instruction can give. This inquiry will come up again on the off chance that you are doing an exposition on this point, so it will be essential to consider the genuine advantages of education.</p><p></p><p>The assortment of inquiries that you can pose to yourself while doing a definition article on explicit themes for a definition is about interminable. Set aside some effort to consider your own inquiry and make sense of how to answer it appropriately in the event that you are composing a progressively itemized paper on the topic.</p>

Friday, May 8, 2020

Writing A Good Argumentative Essay

Writing A Good Argumentative EssayThere are two good ways to write a good argumentative essay for your degree in political science. The first is to be able to craft your argument with the help of original, persuasive writing. In other words, you must be able to convince the reader that your viewpoint is correct. The second way to do this is to draw on research and current trends in the world around you.This article will discuss some modern topics for argumentative essay that you can use when writing a political science thesis. Some of these topics include the following:Some of the modern topics for argumentative essay that you can use include these: liberal democracy, American exceptionalism, reality versus illusion, and changing global cultures. Each of these topics can help you make the case for why you should get into politics. Many modern topics for argumentative essay can also be used to show how you would run a government, manage a business, or deal with a crisis in the future. The first topic, American exceptionalism, is a debate among scholars on whether the United States is unique or not. The United States has been at the forefront of many areas of technology and sciences. It is a society that is now used to technological innovations that set the pace for everything else. This means that America, because of this, is not threatened by trends that are not currently being done by its people.The second modern topics for argumentative essay that you can use is reality versus illusion. The debate in this category is whether or not we should trust our perceptions of reality or our illusion of reality. If we trust our illusions, it can cause problems for our lives, both in the present and in the future.The third topic, changing global cultures, deals with how people around the world view different aspects of life. In other words, they view their own life in relation to other countries and cultures around the world. If they feel they are missing out on something , they may not take the time to do what needs to be done to see that it can be done.The fourth topic, liberal democracy, is one of the best modern topics for argumentative essay because it shows the value of a well-rounded life. Modern democracies thrive because of their systems of checks and balances. If you have access to a press, access to a peaceful society, and a market, this is a topic that can help you prove that a liberal democracy can work in your country.The final topic that we will discuss is the thesis subject. This is the topic that will give you the ideas that you need to prove your point. These topics can help you convince people to believe what you want them to believe, which is a vital part of any political science thesis.

How to Write a Paper - Keep the Style Out of Your Hand

How to Write a Paper - Keep the Style Out of Your HandThe first thing you need to do is learn how to write a paper. In order to do this you should find out what kind of paper writing help you are looking for and what you need to do. There are many books and online courses that can help you with the task of learning how to write a paper. You can also get help from other people in your life that can help you out in this area of writing.You have probably seen all of the writing help that there is on TV and in print, but it can be difficult to actually learn how to write a paper. There are many different styles that can be used to help you with the task of writing. Some ways to help with writing a paper are using a system that is simple to learn, using a notebook to keep your ideas, or using a simple form like the MS Word or Wordpad.If you have trouble finding the right style of writing help for you, then consider finding one online. There are many websites that offer assistance in learn ing how to write a paper, and they even have much more than you might think. They can teach you all about word styles, paper settings, and other writing tips that can help you write a great paper.It might take a bit of time and some effort to get all of the styles down, but once you get going it will be a lot easier to learn how to write a paper. Many people find it easier to learn a new style because they have learned it in one place before. If you do not have that benefit, consider getting some help. You can often find many different ways to find help and then use those methods to help you write your paper.When you go to a website that offers different styles of paper writing help, remember that you may have to put a bit of work into this. There are many different styles of paper that you may not know about, and if youdon't look them up you may find that they are not exactly what you want to use. Some of the styles you might want to try are journal, colorful, or fancy, or even tra ditional.It can be very hard to pick the right paper to use for a particular situation, and that is where online help can come in handy. You might be surprised at what you find when you look up some of the styles and see what others have to say about them. You can usually find these types of websites for free and then if you decide to go through them you can find the different ways to help you with your paper. You can also get some great online course work with all of the tips that you can use to make the most of the process.Do not be afraid to look around at the different ways to help you with your paper. Sometimes the ideas that you can find through reading can be useful and you will find that there are many different options that you can use. Do not be afraid to learn a little more about the styles that you use and the people that use them to help you out with your paper.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Conflict in The Interior Castle by Jean Stafford Essay

Conflict in The Interior Castle by Jean Stafford The Interior Castle by Jean Stafford is a very disturbing but thought-provoking story of a woman who creates a separate world within her head after being severely injured in a car accident. The conflict of the story is Pansy’s attempted escape from pain. Throughout the story she develops an incredibly intricate world within her own mind. She attempts to run from the pain she feels by retreating into this world in which she has made for herself. After arriving at the hospital with severe facial and cranial injuries due to a car accident, Pansy Vanneman began to lock herself away within her head in silent, unspoken hopes of escaping the terrible pain that surged throughout her body. She†¦show more content†¦Oliver. Into the fall garden she strolled, wearing a very out-of-place pink hat. Her love ignored her and took another love interest right before her eyes. The color pink, although seemingly beautiful and powerful to her brain, was sometimes very hurtful to Pansy. It was times like these that her brain failed her and she could not escape from her emotional pain. During Pansy’s accident, she had sustained severe facial injuries, mainly to the structure of her nose. Once again to escape the pain, Pansy would draw back into her own perfect mind so as not to deal with the horrific pain that her body was putting her through. The only person that threatened to take this security away from her was one Doctor Nicholas. Dr. Nicholas was extremely intrigued with Pansy, not only because of her fantastic injuries to her face and skull, but also because of her reaction to it all. She showed no emotions whatsoever. No pain, happiness, sadness, nothing at all. He believed he was witnessing shock at a level he had never before seen. Pansy, however, was as fascinated by him as he was of her. She wondered to herself if he had the creativity and â€Å"imagination† it would take to reconstruct her nose. She believed that nothing he could accomplish on the surface would come close to comparing with her magnificent mind. After spending some time in the hospital, Dr. Nicholas decided to finally operate on Pansy’s nose.Show MoreRelatedHistory of the Development of the Short Story.3660 Words   |  15 Pagespractitioners, including Shirley Jackson, whose story, â€Å"The Lottery,† published in 1948, elicited the strongest response in the magazine’s history to that time. Other frequent contributors during the last 1940s included John Cheever, John Steinbeck, Jean Stafford and Eudora Welty. J. D. Salingers â€Å"Nine Stories† (1953) experimented with point of view and voice, while Flannery O’Connors â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† (1955) reinvigorated the Southern Gothic style. When Life magazine published Ernest HemingwaysRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesUrbanization: In Search of an Urban Paradigm for an Urban World †¢ Howard Spodek 53 3 Women in the Twentieth-Century World Bonnie G. Smith 83 4 The Gendering of Human Rights in the International Systems of Law in the Twentieth Century †¢ Jean H. Quataert 116 5 The Impact of the Two World Wars in a Century of Violence †¢ John H. Morrow Jr. 161 6 Locating the United States in Twentieth-Century World History †¢ Carl J. Guarneri 213 7 The Technopolitics of Cold War: Toward

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Creative Strategies in Social Media Marketing

Question: Discuss about the Creative Strategies in Social Media Marketing. Answer: Introduction The consumer behavior refers to the study of the individuals, community, groups and organization. Further consumer behavior describes the methods they use for selecting, securing, disposing and using the products, experience and services or the ideas to satisfy the needs and demands of people. In present days, most of the consumers prefer social media to buy products. Therefore, the online buying behavior of the consumers is growing day by day. In this assignment, the importance of the social media is discussed in brief. There are several types of social media like blogs, wikis, forum and social networking sites. Social media has a great influence on the buying behavior of the customers. This discussion tries to find out the buying intension of the customers and their attitudes. Solomon (2014) mentioned that the customers need to have trust on the online buying sites of the social media. Before buying the products, the customers need to do comparative research so that they not face any loss. Importance of social media in online buying Social media has a great impact on the online buying behavior of the consumers. According to Yadav et al. (2013), the internet shopping is growing faster in recent days. In Australia the rate of online buying is 87%, in Europe the rate is 85%, in North America it is 83%, in South America 81%, in Africa 53%. However, in Middle East the rat much lower than other countries, it is only 3.7% (Pyry, Parvinen Malmivaara, 2013). However, social media sites influence the consumer behavior of the innovation in the development and market efficiency. Consumers may face problems during using the online sites at the time of purchasing products and service. Consumers need to know the procedure of the online shopping at first otherwise they can face loss. Most of the people nowadays prefer social media for buying products and the social media has a great influence on it. The online shopping sites make agreement with the social media sites to promote their products, service and brand value. Types of social media Social network sits help people to get connected with others via the webpage and internet. In these pages, people can share their views and collect information. From these sites, people get idea of the online buying and come to know about various products and online sites. Blog refers to the online journals that provide information where people can share their personal view on the online buying. Wikis help people to add or delete information and it is a database, which helps to keep records. The information can be compared with other information that is found on the other sites. The online sites help people to shop by the social media. In those sites, people get ideas about the products and the expense of those products. Examples of such online sites are Amazon, Flipkart, Myntraa and Ebay. Internet forum is the message board or bulletin board, where people share their interest of their chosen topic. It is the biggest online social media site. Various forum members take participation in the online debates and can seek help or provide advice. Content communities This is the combination of podcasts and the social networks. People can get limited facilities from the site like sharing or posting music, videos, photos or bookmarks. It is the mini version of blogs. It provides various facilities like sharing messages and gives personal opinion. Some examples of micro blogs are Twitter, Google, LinkedIn and Tinder. However, people can tweet in tweet in Twitter but the limit of the message is 140 characters. Purchase intention and customers attitude The concern of the customer to purchase a particular product and take a particular service is known as the customer purchase intention. This depends on the variables that are internal and external factors. The cue, which triggers the buyers approaches to consider a brand or a product that can be included in the consideration set. The main purpose is to attract the consumers towards the products and increase the brand value. The product or service might satisfy some inclination of the buyers. For example, luxury car, mobile phones and electronic materials can be listed in this. Various brands expect much from their customer that they will buy the new products and therefore the brand value will increase with the customer loyalty. According to Schivinski and Dabrowski (2016), some consumers have emotional contact with brands that is they prefer to buy products from that particular brand. This increase the customer loyalty and brand equity. Recommendation: The customers can buy product from the online shopping sites. However, they need to consult with the experts before shopping from the social networking sites, which will help them in their shopping. In present days, the customers have trust on the social networking sites to buy products. This can include e-commerce which is based on the internet trust. Hajli (2014) mentioned that the main target is the consumers and the web vendor. The web vendors can be surveyed to know the perspective of the consumers and it will be easier to know the percentage of trust on the social media. However, this has two sub parts: trust intention and trust beliefs. The trust beliefs include the customers belief on the products and services that is given by the web vendors. Trust intention is the intention or chance of the customers to buy the products or services online. Hinz, Schulze and Takac (2014) concerned that trust of the customers on the social media can affect the purchase intention and purchase perceive of the customers. Moreover, the trust in the social media for purchasing products can affect the offline purchasing and therefore the brands can be affected. Comparative judgment Before shopping, the consumers should perform comparative judgment that is, they needs to check various social media sites as different sites offer different discounts. Consumers should check the sites thoroughly and gain knowledge about the online shopping. Ngai, Tao and Moon (2015) mentioned that from the social media, the purchasing rate of products are various: 65%- fashion, 27%- intangible (computer software, electronic products) and 8% other products. On the other hand, people are influenced by the various social media sites in case of online shopping. Approximately 45 percent consumers prefer to select Instagram for the shopping purpose. 51% prefer Facebook, which owns the highest rate to influence people to buy products via online shopping (Forbes, 2013). People choose online sites as the sites offer branded products in low price and the sites are very much trust worthy. Some people use twitter as the tool of online shopping. However, the rate of such users is very less only 3 percent. Technology acceptance model: The technology acceptance model refers to the information system theory, which states the acceptance of the service and technology. This will help to identify the buying behavior of the customers and the benefits of the social networking sites. Hollebeek, Glynn and Brodie (2014) opined that TAM model can work as the communication tool and internet technology that will help to check the purchasing behavior of the customers. However, the employees need to have the basic knowledge of technology and computer usage so that they can use TAM properly. Before using the technology, the instruction of user guide should be followed. Questionnaire can be formed to check the online behavior. However, the technology acceptance model identifies very successfully the online behavior of the consumer. Influence of social media Social media influence refers to the description of the ability of an individual that affect the thinking of other people in the online social community. Ashley and Tuten (2015) mentioned social media influence as a marketing term. There are various tools that can measure the influence of the social media. One of such tool is Klout that provide numerical score on the basis of the online activity of the individuals. The numerical score ranges from 1 to 100. A survey can be done to check the activity of people on the social networking site. Goh, Heng and Lin (2013) opined that some people use the social networking sites just for time pass; some use those sites to buy or purchase the products or ideas. Hutter et al., (2013) argued that Klout can be used to check the online activity of people only on the twitter. Therefore, new technologies or software should be developed to check the online activity of people on the other sites also. Conclusion It can be concluded from the above discussion that people are influenced by the social media. They are attracted very much by the discount offers and attractive presentation of products. Different consumers use different social networking sites for the online shopping. Therefore, the social sites become very popular day by day. Various tools and technologies can be used to check the online activity of people. However, survey can be conducted within the customers and web vendors to check the purchasing rate of people. People need basic knowledge during using the technology acceptance model. Before purchasing products people do market research and compare the different sites to get the best offer and service. People need to have the knowledge of online shopping that the social networking sites provide. Online shopping sites can make agreement with the social networking sites to promote their services and products that will help them to increase the brand value and customer loyalty. References Ashley, C., Tuten, T. (2015). Creative strategies in social media marketing: An exploratory study of branded social content and consumer engagement.Psychology Marketing,32(1), 15-27. Forbes, L. P. (2013). Does social media influence consumer buying behavior? An investigation of recommendations and purchases.Journal of Business Economics Research (Online),11(2), 107. Goh, K. Y., Heng, C. S., Lin, Z. (2013). Social media brand community and consumer behavior: Quantifying the relative impact of user-and marketer-generated content.Information Systems Research,24(1), 88-107. Hajli, M. N. (2014). A study of the impact of social media on consumers.International Journal of Market Research,56(3), 387-404. Hinz, O., Schulze, C., Takac, C. (2014). 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